Monday, August 13, 2012

Fluky winds...

Took some friends out to Union Reservoir yesterday.  Winds were very light limiting us to 0.5 to 1.5 knots, but there were a few gusts that got us up to about 3 knots. 

The winds at the ramp and the dock are aggrevatingly fluky.  The ramp is on the southeast side of the lake and surrounded by large trees that I'm sure don't help.  The winds were coming from the north and northeast. As light as they were, I hoisted the jib and main to try pulling away, but kept getting blown into the shore.  I ended up jumping off the boat to push off multiple times as I had to keep coming back to the dock to switch out passengers.  I have similar problems when coming into the dock, especially when its already loaded up with other boats.

I'm seriously considering setting the Neptune up with an electric trolling motor get me to and from the dock. 

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